In 2017 I was rocking things professionally, relationally and spiritually. But, I was not taking care of myself physically. I was sloppy with my eating. My gym was on the opposite side of town from my new office. Once I drove across town at the end of the day, I found myself working out to find a parking place leading to a second workout to traipse the long way to the entrance. Then another workout to find a place to change in the crowded locker room. By the time I started working out, I was stressed and frustrated. So, I worked out less and less.
It was in this same season a random Facebook ad came into my feed for a local Pilates studio. It was on the way home from work (first plus toward being able to make this a habit). Next, it was small, so no need to fight with parking or locker rooms.
Fast forward 5 years and this habit to workout on the way home from work grew to me taking 900 Pilates classes along with eliminating unhealthy foods, removing sugary snacks from my kitchen and meal prep for the week chopping healthy veggies and preparing protein.
As hard as that all was, that was NOT the hard thing. You know what my hard thing was? Responding obediently when I felt nudged to turn this workout hobby to a new level by training to become a Pilates instructor. If you know me, I’m a girl that doesn’t like to sweat and I’m not naturally athletic. But the confidence that came with taking back control of my health led me to want to become an instructor that can make that happen for others. Learning the muscle groups, philosophy of Pilates workouts and memorizing 65 minutes of sequences for the test was my hard thing. But you know what? I did it. And I am happy to have pushed myself for this new piece of my Pilates hobby.

You can do hard things. This is my daughter, Kelsey and I after I passed my Pilates exam!
When I write this, we have just under 90 days until 2022 goes away and 2023 begins. My challenge to you is, what is the hard thing you can accomplish before the end of 2022? Is there a course you want to take? A relationship you need to mend? A new hobby you want to learn? A book you want to start (or finish)? A skill that needs polished, grown or started?
YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. I have a 30-60-90 day free resource that I can share with you to help you create action steps and make progress on YOUR hard thing. Just drop a comment below with your email address and I will send it to you.
Happy Last 90 Days of 2022 and here’s to doing hard things…….
I’ve got a few hard things to face but this resource might help…im not good at planning or goal setting
Such good self-awareness, Jean. I will send you the resource right now. And, please let me know if you want to connect and talk about planning and goal setting sometime.
Yes! I, too, can do hard things! (I might kick and scream a little getting started, though…)
Girl, I’m right there with you! Cheering you on.
I enjoyed reading , You Can Do Hard Things; please send me your 30-60-90 day free resource. Happy Last 90 Days of 2022 to you too!