We are sitting in between the perspective of two years. The ending of 2022 with hindsight as our guide and the beginning of 2023 about to break forth on the horizon. The year ahead is filled with possibility, hope and newness.

This year, I want to share a new resource with you that has come together for me through the years as I allow God to show me HIS vision for my year ahead creating a vision board. I’ve written a previous blog on how to start with God as you pull together your vision board. You can read it here: https://ljallencoaching.com/your-vision-board-for-the-year-ahead/

This specially designed resource will guide you to capture all the aspects of your 2023 vision board and bring it to life. https://ljallencoaching.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/2023-VISION-BOARD-RESOURCE.pdf

This resource contains everything you will need to begin pondering, praying and then assembling your vision board for 2023. This is not “name it and claim it”, but is really seeking God for the future HE has prepared for you. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, people perish.” And God will give you not only the vision, but the “pro-vision” for it. The word provision is from the latin word PRO (ahead) and VISION (to see). God’s pro-vision is because HE sees ahead and will provide all you need as you obediently walk one step at a time.

Once you’ve assembled your vision board, make it a screensaver on your phone or post it in a prominent place in your home to allow it to inspire and challenge you throughout the year. I usually do an old school hard copy and place it in my bathroom where I can see it every morning and evening throughout the year.

Consider gathering with some friends and having a vision board night or even planning it with your Bible study or church group.

Everyone has a unique experience in this process. Here is a note from a friend who used this resource on her vision board:

For years, I was skeptical about the whole idea of vision boards. I thought they were just wishful thinking or some sort of “name it and claim it” situation. But Lisa Allen’s vision board process is neither of these things. Lisa helps you prayerfully hold out specific areas of your life to the Lord as you consider the direction of the year ahead. I have loved the freedom of the creative process and the focus it has brought to my life. Placing the vision board where I can see it throughout the year has helped me live with more intentionality and joy, and God has used it time and again to remind me of who I want to become and to motivate me to keep moving forward and growing with Him. I cannot recommend doing Lisa’s yearly vision board highly enough! She is a wise and kind guide, and my life has been deeply impacted by this powerful practice. – Kimberly  

Ready to try it? Your 2023 could be inspired and on track as you begin the year seeking God for all He sees ahead for you. Happy New Year, Friends!

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