“Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.” (Isaiah 43:18b-19).
I love this version of Isaiah 43 above and the direction to “watch for the new thing”. When our lives feel burdened by life events that happened either by our own choice or were choices of another thrust upon us, it is important to watch for the new thing God will bring forth from your current reality.
Loss of a friendship, betrayal by a spouse, downsizing from a career, overlooked for an opportunity can all happen throughout our lives. We have an enemy who would want us to choose this circumstance to consume us and become our identity.
Instead, there is a process that you can create and control to move forward even when things feel out of control. The most important step forward is the first step and the hardest one. Let’s start by reflecting on ourselves through seeking God. We have had enough of the world’s opinions of our situation. Let’s let God be the first word in our forward action through self-reflection. This is a good time to grab your journal and find an inspiring space to unplug and process with God.
Ask God to help you:
- Embrace the change ahead.
- Give you courage to step outside of your comfort zone.
- Learn new skills that will serve your future as you build upon your past.
- Direct you to friends who can support you in this new season.
- Seek professional help from a counselor or a coach.
If you’re waiting for a sign to move forward, this is it. It’s time to get unstuck. Reach out if you want to process tangible action steps to grow forward! You got this, sister.
I would love to speak at your next event. Do you have a church, organization or women’s leader that would like to connect about planning an event together?. https://ljallencoaching.com/contact/