What’s your hard thing?  The Last 90 days of 2022
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What’s your hard thing? The Last 90 days of 2022

In 2017 I was rocking things professionally, relationally and spiritually. But, I was not taking care of myself physically. I was sloppy with my eating. My gym was on the opposite side of town from my new office. Once I drove across town at the end of the day, I found myself working out to…

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My Calendar … A Prayer Tool?

I’m excited to share how to PRAY YOUR DAY with SHE LAUGHS MINISTRIES COFFEE HOUSE . I’ve included a sneak peak on the blog below. To hear more about this concept, hop on over to: https://shelaughsministries.org/coffeehouse/ I am a leader, speaker and life coach.  My calendar is packed just like yours.  I have a bent toward action…