Do You Need a Life Coach?  

If you had asked me this question several years ago, I would have said no…then I found myself faced with a series of crossroads and transitions (some by my choice and others not).  I was overwhelmed.  Now, not to sound arrogant, but I am not the kind of gal that is afraid of decisions, taking action or the discipline required to map out a strategy to achieve a goal.  However, this season of my life took me by surprise and that’s when I started working with a coach.  

So what exactly is coaching?  Gary Collins says in his book Christian Coaching “it is the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where they want to be.”  Christian coaching moves people from where they are to where God wants them to be.  It is a collaborative partnership  that creates movement and action.  The most lovely description of this in the Bible to me is Ecc 4:9 “Two are better than one, for they have a good return for their work.”

Would you like to try it out?  Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee, journal and pen and sit in the chair across from me as I “coach” you via this article through a typical session.  First, let’s PRAY together that the Lord would reveal where HE is at work in this process.  Proverbs 20:5 The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters,  but a man of understanding draws them out. “  I join you in praying that God will use this time to “draw the things out of your deep waters.”

PHASE I: These first questions are to create AWARENESS of your present reality…where are you now.  They will also begin to identify where you want to be, dreams, goals, tasks.  

  • How would you like your life to be different in one year?  Consider areas of your life you are frustrated with, stuck or complacent.
  • Now, what is getting in the way of this preferred goal?  Be specific. (I’m tired, I don’t have time, I don’t know how, I don’t see enough of an immediate payoff).  
  • List 3 things you are procrastinating or putting off in your life right now.   These are things that you know are there, but you keep stepping around them or feel overwhelmed and paralyzed as to how to proceed.  

As you are thinking, I have assembled several areas where I find my clients working.  Perhaps  these examples will  help you identify  your felt need:

  1. Relationships (w/God, spouse/partner, family, boss);
  2.  Calling (does my career/life align with my purpose, values, passion and wiring?); 
  3. Projects (I need to write that speech, prepare that presentation, paint my kitchen, reassign team responsibilities, write ministry goals for the year ahead);
  4.  Time management, life balance, margin and white space;  
  5. Transition to:  a new job;  marriage; divorce; empty nest; new parent; recent move. 
  6. Personal, Professional or Leadership Development;
  7. Physical (health, exercise);

PHASE II:  At this point in our “cyber coaching session”, I will ask you to identify ONE thing that you’ve written down that you want to focus on.  What is the vision God has given you for this area to work on?  How will you know what “success” looks like to you?  Give yourself some time to process a clearer direction of where you want to be.  Are there any experts in this area you can speak to?  This phase of developing your vision for where you want to go can be created or discovered, but the key is to give yourself time in this process.

PHASE III:  Now you and I will “brainstorm” all the resources you either HAVE or NEED in order to move you closer to accomplishing this goal.  (ex: if you want to change careers, then the resources you have/need could be:  Linked In, Friends with connections, Recruiter, google job openings, Further Education). Write down all the resources that come to your mind.

PHASE IV:  ACTION:  What is one action step you can take NOW that will help you build the bridge between where you are and where you want to be?  (example:  I am going to take a public speaking class to fine tune my presentation skills or I am going to set up coffee with my friend who is currently working in the industry I want to pursue).  The best way to help you write an action step is to make it a S.M.A.R.T. Goal:  SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACTION-ORIENTED, REALISTIC and TIMELY.  Now write down when you will take that step.  Yes, I mean Tuesday at 4 pm I am going to schedule the time I need to____________.  Now set your phone calendar to remind you that you have an appointment to take action that will bring you closer to your dream.  

 Libby Gill, LC says:  In a perfect world, everyone could figure this out for him or herself, but we live in such a complicated time … that most of us need all the help we can get,”

If you took the time to work through this session, then I hope you feel empowered and more confident.  As with any goal, it is helpful for you to tell a friend to help you keep focused.   I believe in you as you pursue this goal. Stay in touch with me at [email protected] and on social media. I would love to help you achieve your goals.

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