Happy almost 2025! As I write this, I am sitting with my feet propped up and filled with reflection on the year that has just passed, 2024. If my life was a book, the Chapter titled “2024” has been written. Favorite parts of the chapter include a healthy family, our first grandchild, strong friendships, meaningful work and more. Compared to previous years and chapters, there has been little loss or sadness.
As I turn the page of 2024 into 2025, there are blank pages waiting for God to scribe the events of my life in the year ahead. There will be goals and dreams in the year ahead. I am launching my first book “Your Confidence Compass / From Self-Doubt to Self-Leadership” this Spring (https://us9.campaign-archive.com/?u=0eacc456c9641a9b8ed811a9a&id=7c602392a8
There are page turns that will be predictable in my year ahead. I have many speaking engagements on my calendar that I cannot wait to visit with so many of you in person. I have one on one coaching appointments where I get to have a front row seat for women like you who are pursuing their calling, finding new confidence and creating capacity.
There will be page turns that are unpredictable that I won’t see coming. If 2025 throws curveballs, my faith will be tethered to my unchanging and faithful, Father. I pray there will not be loss or sadness, but I know that with God I can face the the future. I love the line in the hymn “Because He Lives’ that says “Because he lives, I can face tomorrow.”
What are you reflecting on for 2024? What are you leaving behind and what will you carry with you into the new year? 2 Timothy 1:12 is a lovely reminder that I can entrust all the unwritten pages of my life to who will faithfully guard my life.
But I am not ashamed, because I know in whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted until that day.
As always, I would be honored to come to your church and speak at an event. I also have a few spots to take on new coaching clients if you would like to discuss how investing in the unwritten chapters of 2025 would benefit from working with a coach.
HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you for journeying with me each month.
I’m excited for all God has for you, Lisa, and I can’t wait to read your book!! 🙂 Cheering you on in all these things!
Aww michelle that means the world to me! Thank you for your support !
Thank you for perspective and encouragement, Lisa.
Thank you Jody. Happy almost 2025!
Happy new year! Looking forward to our coaching appointments! Will wait to see you at our our event in Florida to get a signed book!
YAY I can’t wait for our coaching appointments in 2025! My book won’t be released in time for the Florida event, but I promise you will get a signed copy! Happy Happy 2025, Susan. God Bless