I’m excited to share how to PRAY YOUR DAY with SHE LAUGHS MINISTRIES COFFEE HOUSE . I’ve included a sneak peak on the blog below. To hear more about this concept, hop on over to: https://shelaughsministries.org/coffeehouse/
I am a leader, speaker and life coach. My calendar is packed just like yours. I have a bent toward action and efficiency. SO, how do I slow down and leverage my prayer life in a practical way? I’ve come up with PRAY YOUR DAY.
Scripture is clear that the investment in prayer is crucial.
Pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17)
Be self-controlled and alert so you can pray (1 Peter 4:7)
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16)
But how can we do this as wives, moms and leaders? Well, our calendars are a wonderful tool for prayer.
Pull out your calendar if you have it nearby. Doesn’t matter if it is an old-school paper calendar or if it’s on your smart phone. Open up the week ahead of you … the first FULL week you see.
When you look at your calendar:
1. What do you see that makes you excited and why?
2. What do you dread on your calendar? Why?
3. When you pray your day, where do you feel unprepared?
4. Where do you feel confident? .
5. Where is your whitespace?
What would you add to this as you look at your calendar? What is missing and how can you use PRAY YOUR DAY to make even a practical tool like a calendar to be a connection with God.
And I will leave you with my favorite PRAYER ACRONYM:
P Prepare your heart
R Repeat healthy prayer habits – silence, solitude, praise before supplication, etc.
A Awareness of approaching the throne of the God of this Universe
Y Yield to the Holy Spirit’s guidance – I can’t be neutral so I need the Spirit’s guidance.
E Exercise Discipline – Turn off your phone, remove distractions, sit in a quiet place.
R Resources – Have your Bible, journal and now your CALENDAR handy as a resource to fuel prayer.

I love using my planner as a prayer journal or just writing scripture & praying that verse back to Him. I’m adding this acronym to the front so I’ll have it as a great reference.
Thank you Lisa!
Amen. Such powerful practices.
This is EXCELLENT! So practical. Thank you, Lisa. You know I love all things prayer and this is a fresh way to approach prayer.
Thanks so much, Wendy